Saturday, July 10, 2010

Blog Update For July 10, 2010 A Work In Progress

Welcome back to everyone who has been patient enough to continue to follow our blog about our life as Christian medical missionaries here in the Philippines and about the care we are providing to our patients, people who live a subsistence lifestyle and have no access to good medical care and no means to pay for it!

I do apologize for the problems I have with creating a pleasing look to this blog but this is my first attempt at creating a blog and including photographs along with the text! I have continued to experiment over the last couple of weeks as time has permitted. I have made some changes to the appearance and functionality of the blog. This includes a "slide show" feature  near the bottom of the page. You can click an any of the slides and you will be taken to a full size version of that slide.

We have continued to see patients on a regular basis except when we have had  to travel to the next island to purchase medical supplies and food for our home. We continue to raise our animals and take care of our garden as well. The drought has seemed to become less severe and we have had a little rain over the last couple of weeks.

Unfortunately I had to give one of our congregation members and her family some bad news, her husband has terminal lung cancer and probably only as a few months left.

My wife, Rhome has started her weekly woman's bible study and has had two sessions already. Both have been very well received!

I will try to include some additional patient photos here but they are not all inclusive!

The first picture is of a young boy who has recovered from an elbow fracture.

Leaving the Dock In Pilar

Mountains of Leyte on our way to Ormoc City

Arriving at the dock in Ormoc City

Closeup of  loss of skin pigmentation 

Second closeup of pigmentation in a young woman

1st Woman's Bible Study Session Started By My Wife, Rhome

Severe Vasculitis/Phlebitis

Patient seen for loose stools

Patients on our solana eating lunch after follow up visits
Well I have learned a bit more about arranging the segments on a blog since my last post but I will need to close for now as I need to help my wife, Rhome prepare the materials for her next bible study session next Tuesday!

Bye for now and may God bless you all!

With Prayers of Joy & Thanksgiving,

Chip & Rhome Nuttall
Christian Medical Missionaries