Thursday, May 20, 2010

Introduction To Good Sam Medical Mission

Island Of Leyte From Pilar

Hi! My name is Chip & my wife's name is Rhome. I am a physician assistant and my wife is a surgical scrub tech. We are born again Christians and we have moved to a small subsistence living island called Pilar Camotes, Cebu in the Philippines where, for the last 3 years we have been developing a medical mission on the island.

Almost all of the ~ 11,000 people living on the island live a subsistence life and have no resources for medical care! We provide any needed medical care including medications and hospitalization for those in need. We do this in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ and ask only that they thank Him for their care, not us! We invite them to join in our bible study group if they desire and also invite them to attend church services with us if they would like to!

We under took this medical mission approximately 3 years ago when we sold everything we had and took our life savings and moved to Pilar. Our medical mission has been funded by our savings and some donations, both monetary and medical supplies!

This mission has been a true blessing from God and we plan to do this for the rest of our lives!

At the urging of friends we have decided to start this blog to let others know of our work and of the need for medical care on this island in the Philippines. If anyone wishes to comment or make donations, money or medical supplies, or time, please contact us. Donations of money or medical supplies can be made through our church, Hilltop Community Church Carson City, Nevada (, back in the US and thereby insure that proper tax deduction credit will be assured and that shipping of medical supplies will be taken care of.

I have limited internet connection capability on our island but will be updating this blog at least weekly, hopefully more often. photos of the island and our patients will be included in our blog.

May our Lord bless each of you and touch your hearts to pray for us and the people of Pilar Camotes, Cebu Philippines!


  1. Hello Chip and Rhome. This looks like a great communication tool as long as you can keep your internet connection going.
    I'll announce about the blog at church this weekend, so I think there will be more followers on the way soon.
    How are you doing? We miss you and pray the adjustment to being back home is going well.
    Guess what? We were able to get video from Hilltop's services posted on the website this week. That might be too much to download, but you ought to see whether it might work.
    Love in our Lord,

  2. BTW, we'd love any new photos of what's going on in Pilar. This looks like a great place to display them!
    Love in Christ,

  3. Hi! I am a physician assistant student in Virginia, and I am trying to send you an email, but it won't go through. I was wondering if you could contact me - so that I can get your email address.

    Thank you and God Bless!

  4. Hi Chip

    I have been trying to contact you via your e-mail address without success. Could you please contact me via my daughter's e-mail
    when you have a moment.
    Kind regards
    Dave Morris (Aust)

  5. chip Gordon is trying to reach you, what is your email the one I have isn't working, thanks,


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