Thursday, June 17, 2010

Good Samaritan Medical Mission Update 6-16-10

Hi everyone!
Sorry that it has been a while since my last post! I and my wife, Rhome, have been quite busy seeing patients and providing care for those who cannot afford to seek medical. There was one death this past week. He was a thirty something male who was not known to have any health problems. He died in his sleep. He leaves a widow and two sons.

There was also the seventeenth anniversary of our Christian church which took a lot of time in preparing the message as I was asked to give a special message for the service, and of course there was a lot of food preparation as well. The was good attendance and everyone said the service was very inspiring.

We are just returning from a two day trip to Ormoc City on the island of Leyte (about an hour and a half away from our island of Pilar. This was necessitated to provide further urological workup for one of our patients, a 12 year old boy, who has had difficulty with a significantly decreased ability to urinate adequately since he was age 5. The workup, including a CBC, UA, renal panel and renal ultrasound were all normal, as I expected they would be. I believe that his diagnosis is urethral stenosis/stricture. This will require us to get him to the city of Cebu on the island of Cebu as that is the closest place with a urologist. I will post an update as soon as I can raise the money needed for the 5 hour boat trip, lodging, meals, urological consult and surgery.

Our many other patients since my last post include 2 children with chicken pox, 2 ladies with neck masses, a lady with thyroid problems, only 1 kidney, hypertension, and a UTI, a girl with a foreign body in her eye and conjunctivitis, a man with bronchitis, women with hypertension and diabetes, a women with heel swelling, a lady with probable tinia versicolor, women with GERD, a lady with TIA's, a lady with superficial phlebitis of her leg and an infant who was unable to have a bowel movement for 4 days.

I will post some pictures of these patients along with this post.

We will be buying more medications here in Ormoc prior to our return to our island, Pilar, later today. I would ask for your prayers for us and our patients and the family of the young husband and father who died unexpectedly this past week. If the Lord puts it on anyone's heart to donate in support of our medical mission here in the Philippines you may do so by donating to Hilltop Community Church in Carson City, Nevada and just specify the donation is for the Good Samaritan Medical Mission. Their website is
Their address is 3588 Romans Road, Carson City, NV 89705. Their phone number is; 775-267-3588. The missions pastor is Don Baumann. All donations made are fully tax deductible! Please consider mentioning our medical mission and our need for support to your family, friends, employers.

May God bless each and every one of you, and we sincerely thank all of you for your support and prayers!!!

Until next week;

With Prayers of Joy & Thanksgiving,

Chip & Rhome Nuttall
Medical Missionaries
Good Samaritan Medical Mission
Pilar Camotes, Cebu Philippines

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the new post, Chip. Wow, have you been busy!
    We have a Balikbayan box just about full of meds and bandages; we'll keep sending these along as I'm sure you can use them.
    Is there any way to enlarge the photos? I imagine you had to upload them in a smaller resolution format.
    I just had an idea about funding the surgeries, etc. you encounter. I'll send you an email about it.
    We are going to St. Louis for 10 days beginning next week, but we'll keep an eye on the blog.
    God bless,


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